Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED, 2357 Hampton Ave ($69 Sunday)

  • 20 Dec 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 2357 Hampton Ave (Two Blocks South of Hwy 44 Ext 286 on west side of Hampton Ave) St Louis, MO 63139


Registration is closed

TO CONTINUE YOUR COURSE ENROLLMENT PLEASE CLICK  ON THE "REGISTER" LINK ON THE LEFT OF THIS PAGE. <<< NOTE: If you have already registered and/or paid please ignore the above message!   https://midwestcprfoundation.wildapricot.org/Weather-Notice-Information

HeartSaver Courses    (Please note this course does not meet MOPID state requirements for daycare staff)  Please enroll in Heartsaver Pediatic First Aid CPR AED course. 

Heartsaver courses are designed for anyone with little or no medical training who needs a course completion card for job, regulatory (for example, OSHA), or other requirements. These courses can also be taken by anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting. For many Heartsaver courses, students receive a course completion card that is valid for 2 years.  Fitness Instructors, Teachers, Social Workers, etc.  Features: Video-based course ensures consistency. Instructor-led, hands-on class format reinforces skills proficiency. Student Workbook comes with Heartsaver First Aid Quick Reference Guide that summarizes first aid actions for many injuries and illnesses. Course is updated with the new science from the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care


  • 1st: IMPORTANT: After registration if your plans change or you are not able to attend for any reason please email us. We understand that your plans may change. This way we may be able to open-up a seat for another student to attend as space is limited. Please Email midwestcprfoundation@gmail.com

  • 2nd:  Class Location
    2357 Hampton Ave (Two block south of Hwy 44 Ext 286 on west side of Hampton)
  • St Louis, MO 63139

  • 3rd: Course Cardwill be emailed or printed for you within 24 hours if you pay in advance, emailed within 48 hours if you pay onsite. Classes on weekends, card will be available the next business day! Your AHA eCard is good for two years, and replacement during the two years is free. In addition to your Card you will receive a Registration Number that you may submit to your employer school, etc. so they may download your card for their records.

    .    video inside of training center

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